
  1. Neue Wege im Gesundheitswesen | New Paths in the Health Service

    This event, long anticipated and awaited happened the other night on 1st June, in Sissach, BL.  I am immensely proud to have been part of it, a hug...
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  2. Mobile ATELIER in Cheesmeyer drawing to a close!

        It's been a great month in the historic cafe Cheesmeyer! I've had lots of lovely conversations about my work, been challenged and feel fulfil...
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  3. Opening tonight! "Die Kunst ist eine Künstlerin" im Sprützehüsli Oberwil

    As the last celebration of the 120th anniversay of the Swiss Society of Female Artists, I am proud to be part of the exhibition opening tonight in ...
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  4. Do you live in London? Do you want a memory painted? Of your pet? Yourself?

    I will paint you or your pet if you are in London from 2nd - 20th May - ONE slot for painting is OPEN!
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