
  1. Offenes Atelier: "Gezeichnet" Mein Jahr an der Royal Drawing School, London

    Open Studio | Offenes Atelier in Arisdorf 
    My Year at the Royal Drawing School in London

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  2. Your Art School: Bewege deine Imagination 7. - 9. August 25

    Mehr Info auf meiner "Your Art School" Seite! (also in English)
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  3. It was wonderful: our exhibition "Drawing without Borders" at The Royal Drawing School

    "Drawing without Boarders" the art exhibition held at the Royal Drawing School by the Online Drawing Development Year 2024, bringing together artists from all around the world.


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  4. zeichnungen Gruppenausstellung SGBK Kunstraum Basel

    Ausdrucksstarke Zeichnungen von Künstlerinnen im Raum Basel. 

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  5. Exhibitions! Ausstellungen!

    I'm delighted to start the new year 2025 with news of three group exhbitions I will be taking part in! Two in Basel with the Swiss Society of Femal...
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  6. Open Atelier during Advent

    Join me for some mulled wine and chat on Tuesday, 10th December from 6pm, browse through my large selection of Christmas cards, and why not gift so...
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