Opening tonight! "Die Kunst ist eine Künstlerin" im Sprützehüsli Oberwil

As the last celebration of the 120th anniversay of the Swiss Society of Female Artists, I am proud to be part of the exhibition opening tonight in the Sprützhüsli Oberwil. Around 60 artist are taking part in this group installation. 

Especially for this, I created my series "Reclaiming the Feminine | Woman in Wood" from drawings I made while in the UK in May. All women originally portrayed by men. Every woman is printed by hand, using a wooden block - but every woman is made using a different type of wood. This naturally effects the structure of the print, giving each a different "feel". Of course I've also made a short film of the process for you. Watch it on vimeo now

These prints, because made using the reductive method, where more is continually cut away from the same block, can never be reprinted. Therefore there are a totally finite number of images of each, and each print is slightly different owing to the handmade aspect. I firmly believe art is made by humans for humans, and therefore shows us the most human reflection of ourselves. 

You can now buy a print online - wouldn't it be a great Christmas present for someone special? Visit our exhibition in Oberwil or visit my ATELIER in Arisdorf to view the work firsthand. I look forward to meeting you!