
  1. Great Open ATELIER Party on Friday, 21st October 2022!

    Yay, thank you so much to the many people who came to my open ATELIER! It was a great crowd and I am delighted to say several artworks found new ho...
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  2. My journey to becoming an artist

    I am deadly serious about being an artist. It is a world still governed by men. My art is female. I am a woman. However, is it any less valuable for that? The pressure to conform to life as a woman - concentrate on your home, your children - is huge and comes from women just as much as from men. Especially in rural Switzerland. To want to succeed as a female artist is not really something anyone would gladly own up to - the first question I am always posed is, "can you make a living from it?" Would you ask a male artist this? Can I as a female artist paint flowers? Or am I then conforming to being a woman? 

    So thank you for reading this, thank you for supporting a female artist.

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