• Votes for Women
  • Votes for Women
  • Votes for Women

Votes for Women

Regular price
Size of artwork (h x w cm):
Size of cardboard mount (h x w cm):

Do you believe women need equal rights? There should be more art by women in museums?

 ...I believe that women have the same right to be artists as men. I believe that men and women and everyone in between are part of the same whole. 

My work is always a response to the world around me. It follows an inner necessity, a drive that comes from deep within. I cannot be taken out of my time, my situation, my experiences and these naturally influence me. Without studying my surroundings, sketching, drawing inspired by observation, reading, I could not create work.

This still life shows a bathroom table, in the past, before the advent of running water, we would have washed our faces in the cold water from a jug on this table. To the side stands a nude self portrait and a bunch of mimosa fill the air with their fresh fragrance. 

Why not add a unique and special work of art to your bathroom? Create a haven of all things feminine? And enjoy the privilege of running water and warm baths! 

This painting will make you feel secure and happy in the mod-cons we enjoy today!

I will send it to you lovingly wrapped in cellophane, in its cardboard mount and carefully packaged between sheets of cardboard.

"Seit dem ich im Sommer den sehr inspirierenden und fundierten Kurs bei Sibylle besucht habe, nehme ich die Farben der Natur viel kräftiger und ihre Formen viel klarer wahr" Nicole