• The Dream
  • The Dream
  • The Dream
  • The Dream
  • The Dream

The Dream

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Size (h x w cm):

Do you sometimes find yourself looking out of a window dreaming? Or wish you could just switch off sometimes?

This painting allows you to look out of the window and dream...I painted this just before the covid pandemic - which is interesting as there was as yet no reporting of this event and definitely no talk of lock-down. However, there did seem to be something in the air that I must have subconsciously picked up on. The girl is standing at the window looking out - however it is abstract and thus open, letting you see what you can see and not a determined hard and fast image. 

Oil on Canvas (nailed edge, European linen)

"Seit dem ich im Sommer den sehr inspirierenden und fundierten Kurs bei Sibylle besucht habe, nehme ich die Farben der Natur viel kräftiger und ihre Formen viel klarer wahr" Nicole