• Join me in the Garden
  • Join me in the Garden
  • Join me in the Garden

Join me in the Garden

Regular price
Size of artwork (h x w cm):

Love nothing more than alfesco dining? Enjoy  a cup of tea under gently swaying boughs of green?

Then this work is for you! Imagine enjoying tea, lunch or dinner in this painting - the flowers have already been collected and all that it needs is for you to bring out the china, tea, wine and collect some friends around it. 

Painted in oils on paper en plein air in France this painting is sure to make you feel happy and peacefo for many years when you look at it. 

I will send it to you carefully wrapped in cellophane with cardboard, to ensure it arrives safely ready for you to frame as you see fit and enjoy!

"Seit dem ich im Sommer den sehr inspirierenden und fundierten Kurs bei Sibylle besucht habe, nehme ich die Farben der Natur viel kräftiger und ihre Formen viel klarer wahr" Nicole